Julia Pimsleur, Founder of Million Dollar Women

Julia Pimsleur is a scaling coach, sales trainer, speaker and bestselling author. She is founder of the social venture Million Dollar Women, and the Million Dollar Women Network, an online network for women scaling up their businesses seeking coaching, mentors and access to alternative capital.

Julia’s passion for working with women entrepreneurs grew out of her experiences building and selling her own company, a venture-backed children's educational media company, Little Pim, a multi-media language teaching program for young children. Julia raised more than $26M in angel, venture and philanthropic dollars and speaks about entrepreneurship, women in business and mindset in universities and at business conferences around the world.

You can read her books, the best-selling Million Dollar Women: The Essential Guide for Female Entrepreneurs Who Want to Go Big, which inspired her to create the Million Dollar Women social venture and Go Big Now: 8 Essential Mindset Practices to Overcome Any Obstacle and Reach Your Goals .

Julia also hosts a live show on Linked In, Go Big Now Live, where she interviews underrepresented founders who have built multi-million dollar companies from scratch.

Follow her on IG: @juliapimsleur, on Linked In: juliapimsleur or on Youtube: juliapimsleurcoach

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