Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust - EMR & WBC

Established in 2002 in Northland, Mountains to Sea sees education as a vital part of society and central to all environmental restoration. Our marine and freshwater programmes involve young people, their parents and the wider community. The Experiencing Marine Reserves (EMR) and Whitebait Connection (WBC) programmes reinforce simple concepts such as the uniqueness of our freshwater and marine biodiversity and provide an active focus on conservation of these environments through education and action.

Our Goal

Our goal is to empower and support communities to achieve marine and freshwater conservation through science based experiential programmes, resources, projects and community engagement.

Our impact as of June 2023

139,469 Native seedlings planted, 302,338 Volunteer hours donated, $7,860,000 Worth of volunteer time at living wage, 174,728 People taken snorkelling, 93,148 People have snorkelled or paddled in a no take area and 2500 School programmes delivered. Read more here.

Volunteer with us

Snorkel Guiding | Riparian planting | Weeding | Kayak support | School programmes | Stream investigations | Marine and Freshwater Monitoring | Īnanga Egg Counts | Nursery Assisstant and more

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