Eventos leiria em Portugal
4 Day Transformational Breathwork & Somatic Therapies in Portugal
Thursday at 3:30 PM
Casa Paço D'Ilhas
4 Day Transformational Breathwork & Somatic Therapies in Portugal
Thursday at 3:30 PM
Casa Paço D'Ilhas
Satsang com a Professora Jane Yoga Integrativa - Ensaio sobre os CHAKRAS
Saturday at 4:30 PM
Espaço Cultural de Yoga Dança de Shiva Lisboa
Satsang com a Professora Jane Yoga Integrativa - Ensaio sobre os CHAKRAS
Saturday at 4:30 PM
Espaço Cultural de Yoga Dança de Shiva Lisboa
Seedlings of Spirit. An event of storytelling and permaculture.
Friday at 6:30 PM
Quinta Ten-Chi - a place where earth and sky meet in your heart
Seedlings of Spirit. An event of storytelling and permaculture.
Friday at 6:30 PM
Quinta Ten-Chi - a place where earth and sky meet in your heart